
Millicent remembers all the days they’d spend together not doing anything and doing everything. She remembers meeting him first thing every morning as he waited for her next to the stables. She remembers picking apples together from the lone apple tree next to the river. She remembers counting the squirrels on their walks through the forest, and squinting to see his face when he stood over her with the Sun shining bright behind him. She remembers that no matter how hot the summers got, she’d always long for his touch.

She wonders if all the years apart have taken the same toll on him that they’ve taken on her. Will his smile still weaken her knees? Good thing she’s sitting down.

Teodora thinks she’s bad at writing descriptions for her drawings, so we thought I might be able to help with that.

For more wonderful drawings, follow her on Instagram @teoctobart. Keep an eye on her, she’s going places.

For more stories, Teodora’s got her own tag here.

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