I will die on this hill, Even if sad and alone, But having listened to my heart. I will die on this hill, Whether foolishly or not, Never having lost my faith, And in so doing retaining my self. I…
Someday I Will Read This to You
I had thought that all the shadows cast over my heart would suffocate it, hinder its ability to love. It took time and a lot of hard work to make it so every new shadow only nurtures it. Breathes new…
You Are the Only Wonder That You Seek
Fear not, my morning dew, it all looks bleak, but that’s just you. You’ve come too far to just let go, you’ve fought too much to just stay down. Now is not your time, you have yet to share all…
Nu mai suntem valuri, doar o mare moartă
Vorbeam cu mine însumi despre mine însumi și ne aminteam de panica și disperarea de-odinioară. Observam cum au fost înlocuite de o resemnare tăcută și adâncă. Nu mai suntem valuri, doar o mare moartă. Vorbeam cu mine însumi despre mine…
Why Are You Smiling?
Down the barrel and into your eyes I stare, Oblivious to how the hours melt, Acutely aware of how our bodies meld, You stare back to glimpse my heart laid bare. “Why are you smiling,” you frown naively. Engulfed in…
She Loved Roses
She loved roses, so I buried her among her favorite ones. Hundreds of petals for each memory we made together. Hundreds of thorns for each fight we had. Countless tears over a grave of one that holds two. You are…
It’s 12AM and Cherry’s finishing up her shift at the bar where she works. Her sister hasn’t been answering her texts since 7PM and she hasn’t been answering her calls either. It wouldn’t be the first time her abusive boyfriend…
If You Do Too
Can’t believe it’s been a year and a half since I last published something in this series. I wrote this chapter 8 months ago, but I’m just now publishing it – not sure why I kept it stashed for so…