So much of it lost, so much of it stolen. I don’t know that I would call it recklessness, I was just trying to… live. To live the way I wanted to. Like others so easily do. To trust, to…
My Choir Has Gone Silent
Rings upon rings upon increasingly dark rings, I spiral downward toward the edge of existence, guided by the trembling hands of a sickly puppet master. There used to be a charming musicality to the passing of time, but my choir…
I Used to Know What Love Was
It’s been fifteen years since I began my path of self-discovery. I’ve always tried to know myself better, to understand why it is I do the things I do, why I say the things I say, why I tell the…
The Flames Have Gone Out and the Ashes Have Settled
Is this it? I thought I’d already been here so many times before, but now I know the truth. I wish I didn’t. You can’t be here while you’re struggling. So long as there’s despair, there’s life. If the pain…
When We Were “Are”
In my mind I go back to when we were “are” And shed a tear over this scar. Now we are just “were” And looking back, it’s all a blur. → The Gallery of Me
Year Eleven
Here we are and another year’s gone by. Not much comes to mind about this past year. Well, that’s not entirely true. I wasn’t around much for the first half of the year, but then I ate a cherry that…
Same Old Me
i’m still the same old me, and that’s the worst thing i could ever be. all this pain that follows me around will one day put me in the ground. i hope you won’t be around to see, but i…
Green Rooftops
I have found a new apartment I really like. It is spacious and beautiful. A bit noisy, but I have decided to power through the screams. Its potential seems worth it. I have moved into a new apartment I really…