Written at 4 in the morning, when my brain usually starts to sizzle, because sleeping like a normal person is so lame. ______________________________________ I Had a Dream About You I had a dream about you; about us. We were in…
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Mirror, mirror on the wall, good thing you can’t see past appearances. You’re so fragile, you might not survive the horror.
I don’t believe in soulmates per se, but I do believe in perfect compatibility between two or even more people, in some one-in-a-million cases. I don’t like how the term is perceived, though; when you hear of someone’s soulmate, you…
‘The Gallery of Me’ – August 2012
‘The Gallery of Me’ in August 2012.
I’ve Been Thinking About You
I’ve been thinking about you and I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help myself. I know it’s wrong, but it’s not my fault I met someone as amazing as you at this particular point in my life when such…
Sleepless Nights
It’s 5AM and I’ve been wrestling with my bed for hours, like I have the nights before. I think it no longer wants me to sleep in it. Although it has been with me through better and worse, perhaps it…
I Didn’t Give Up by Leaving
You may not see it as such, but I didn’t give up by leaving; staying would have meant giving up on myself.
It Will Be Spectacular!
It will be extraordinary, it will amaze and shock. Everyone will want to see it and everyone will talk about it. Some will love it, others will say they hate it but will secretly love it more than anyone else.…