It has burrowed itself and built a home in the deepest depths of my mind. No attempt to excise it will ever succeed. It is a part of me now and I am powerless against it. Its heavy growls abound…
I keep it locked and hidden away behind the farthest door down the longest corridor in the darkest corner. I used to tell myself it was to keep other people safe from it, but now I wonder if it’s not…
Throes of Life
On February 10th, I was telling Teodora somewhat jokingly that we should make a comic together; I would write the episodes and she would draw them, just like I’ve been doing with the stories for her portraits. Today we published…
Even If without Me
I pushed myself beyond thousands of kelvin to keep you warm, disregarding all the signs that foreshadowed my inevitable demise. I let myself crumble so that you may live, even if without me. You begged me to stop. You said…
You Haven’t Lost Me
You say you can never be anything more, so you let go. Your tragedy goes unnoticed as the wind blows you toward oblivion and you purge every thought from your mind and every bit of hope from your heart. But…
There is a point of infinite denseness and heat. It is everything and nothing condensed into an infinitesimally small singularity. It is light and darkness, it is deafening roars and dead silence. Until it decides it wants to be more.…
Witness Me
I decided no one’s worth letting ruin my design, so I gathered all the pieces and rebuilt. Wider, farther, denser, more prominent, more intricate. More beautiful. Stronger, so it can withstand angrier winds. Prouder. My masterpiece. Witness it. Witness me.…
Kyle (Found Soul #3)
Read the rest of the ‘Found Soul’ series here. Kyle hasn’t had the easiest of childhoods. He grew up poor on the outskirts of town with his mom and dad, but what he lacked in material possessions, he made up…